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Es un conjunto musical afro colombiano representado por algunos de los mejores musicos colombianos en los Estados Unidos.

El grupo fue creado del deseo y amistad de Ronald Polo (vocalista/compositor/gaitero), Moris Canate (percusionista folklorico) y mas adelante Johanna Castaneda (vocalista/musico) y Erica "Kika" Parra (Baterista) para promover las ricas tradiciones musicales de sus ancestros; los Afro-decendientes de la costa caribe de Colombia. 


Es su creencia que estas tradiciones folkloricas deben continuar creciendo sobre el tiempo y con ideas de los nuevos folkloristas. Esta creencia es muy bien reflejada en su musica.


Las composiciones originales de Ronald Polo forjan nuevos caminos para la música colombiana respetuosamente permaneciendo fieles a sus raíces ancestrales. En el proceso, ellos crean una experiencia musical y cultural realmente única. 


De canciones tradicionales a composiciones originales, el repertorio de Rebolu esta cargado por energía, historia y dancibilidad. Sus reinterpretaciones únicas de ritmos afro colombianos tradicionales como Gaita,Tambora, Chalupa y Bullerengue, entre otros, hacen esto sumamente satisfactorio para festivales, conciertos, acontecimientos culturales y muchos mas espacios de musica. 




Is an Afro-Colombian musical ensemble comprised of some of the finest Colombian musicians in the United States. 

The group was created from the desire of Ronald Polo, (vocalist/composer/gaitero), Moris Canate, (master folkloric percussionist), and later on Johanna Castaneda (Vocalist/musician) and Erica "Kika" Parra, (Drummer) to promote the rich musical traditions of their ancestors; the afro-descendants of Colombia's Caribbean coast.


They believe that these folkloric traditions should continually evolve over time and with the ideas of new generations of folklorists. This belief is surely reflected in their music.


The original compositions of Ronald Polo forge new paths for Colombian music while respectfully remaining faithful to its ancestral roots. In the process, they create a truly unique musical and cultural experience.


From traditional songs to original compositions, the entirely of Rebolu's repertoire is loaded with energy, history and danceability. Their unique reinterpretations of traditional Afro-Colombian rhythms such as Gaita, Tambora, Chalupa and Bullerengue, among others, make it extremely well suited for festivals, concerts, cultural events and more music venues.




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Photo by Bryan Bravo

Rebolu is a party! They are a confluence of sound and energy reflecting the intensity of their
urban life and the need to create music for the world based on their folklore and heritage.
Leaders in the New Colombian Music movement of New York City, their adopted home,
Rebolu’s vibrant music has its roots in the diverse Afrocentric rhythms of Colombia’s
Caribbean coast. On their Smithsonian Folkways debut Mi Herencia (My Heritage), composer
Ronald Polo, tambor alegre master Morris Cañate, drummer Erica “Kika” Parra, lead singer
Johanna Castañeda, and their top-drawer band members bring a battery of percussion,
commanding gaita flute melodies, and make-you-move vocal stylings into the spotlight as
they exuberantly reinvigorate generations-old traditions.
The “Mi Herencia” Album was among the 10 best new albums from around the world,
mentioned by Songlines (July 2022). In addition, they were part of the “Transglobal World
Music Chart” for July and August 2022. Some of their past events/shows include Lincoln
Center Outdoor NY, Montana Folk Fest, Richmond Folk Fest, VA National Folk Fest, Montreux
Jazz Fest, Kennedy Center, Library of Congress, SXSW, and more.

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